Homelessness is a super wicked problem in Lagos. Despite Lagos being one of the fastest-urbanizing cities in Nigeria, Africa and the world, the homelessness index continues to rise at an alarming rate. And, providing affordable and accessible housing to improve the housing stock remains a challenge that the state government cannot meet on its own. Partners from the public and private sectors must step in with resources, initiative, and knowledge at a crucial time like now.

Through our one-year-long research, resources and spaces such as Male and Female Shelters, Farms, Workshops and a Waste recycling centre are incorporated into the 2189.52 metres square proposed facility. This project is an attempt to contribute to the sustainable development of Lagos, provide many different empowerment pathways for the targeted displaced population and reduce the drastic effects of homelessness.

The ACEJO Foundation (a non-governmental organization) has been collaborating with the African Contemporary Institute of Design and RUBAN Office to build a homeless center in Ibeju Lekki that will serve approximately 5000 people between ages 18-29. It aims to remediate the homelessness in Lagos state; create an awareness for the homeless; provide employment opportunity, educational services to the homeless and assist in transitioning to conventional housing in cities.