The installation progresses from the soil as the womb and cradle of the elements for artisanship. The soil shifts and stirs across the country, bringing forth elements for the experimentation and interrogation of humans. The soil is positioned as the bearer of the elements and in turn objects of artisanship. A set of objects will be created based on geographical/socio-spatial factors representing the spatiotemporal needs of cultures across the country. Through the objects, explorations of elements and the ritual of making will be engaged. The objects in this proposal are a starting point of the whole design process and will evolve with the project timeline. The objects are currently being thought of as bundles of artisanship culture and skill. The mortar and pestle for instance also embody the identity of a stool, this has huge cultural allusions as well as reinterpretations in the new contemporary African world. Mortars are used as stools by masquerades and other mystic beings in Yoruba culture. In other cultures, they are used as stools by warriors, the identity of the mortar and the stool is therefore dynamic and complicated. The bow and arrow are used as objects of conflict as well as theatrics. The arrow doubles as a string-picker for playing the multi-string bow. This tries to combine different identical craft skills based on culture, function, and geography